College Counseling Services

Between the constant whirlwind of day to day life and ever-changing college requirements, it is hard to lead your high school student in the best possible path for them to achieve their dream goals, dream college and dream career. That's where our college coaches come in. Equipping your high schooler with time management skills, organizational skills, study skills, testing skills, and preplanning for their future are vital traits to succeed in the college application process.

Our college coaches work with your student to become the best applicant they can be. From applying for internships to writing well-crafted essays, our coaches work to maximize a student’s potential.  We also work with students to create a solid "work-life" balance to prevent burnout and decrease stress.  These skills stay with a student through high school and beyond!

In many cases, college coaches also serve as a liaison between parents and a student. The third-party relationship builds a sense of accountability without the typical parent-child arguments and punishments,  allowing a college coach to keep track of a student's progress and report back to the parents can benefit the family as a whole!